Sunday, May 3, 2009

Caldwell and Naomi At Home

Things are looking up for Cal & Naomi. Caldwell has been doing extremely well and making strong forward progress with his occupational and physical therapies. Naomi continues to grow and is becoming very flirtatious, especially with the boys... :-)

They are getting along very well, and always enjoy some good snuggle time. Here is the latest video of them just hanging out and enjoying the time together at home. There are also a couple of clips with Mandy, our respiratory therapist and good friend from the NICU.

Thanks to everybody for their support and friendship. Believe me - we truly appreciate every phone call and inquiry - and especially the visits! :-) A very special thank you goes out to all of the Navy Civil Engineer Corps families that have been so supportive to us during this crazy time. Thank you for the meals and care you have taken to assist us as we learn the meaning of the term "overstimulation"... :-)


  1. What a beautiful video and the song is so soothing. I love watching the babies grow and become so aware of their surroundings. Thank you so much for sharing all your good fortune with the people who love you. And thanks again for giving Rich and I a very special day with the babies. It was an experience we will always cherish.
    Love, Karen & Rich

  2. Look at the little munchkins grow! How amazing! They're wiggling and healthy and happy- We love you all and miss you tons!As always, thanks for taking the time to share your fabulous life us!
    Your People in Cabo!
