Sunday, October 18, 2009

Whit's Promotion to Commander

For those of you who couldn't make it to San Diego for this, but have repeatedly asked for photos or videos - here you go! CAPT Keith Hamilton is the person who administers the oath of office for my new rank. He is my Skipper here at the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest (NAVFAC SW). CAPT Mike Williamson is my direct boss and Operations Officer, and helps Kathie put on the two shoulder boards. My mother, Nettie Belle, was on hand to assist with the new hat.

Hope you enjoy!

Cal's Happy Dance

This is just funny! :-)

Super Naomi!

Just some fun with Kate and Kathie. And of course, Naomi... :-)

Fun with Family and Friends!

This is a fun composite of several people we have had over to the house these last few weeks. I figured I should capture it and put it to music - since it is much more fun that way!

Enjoy! :-)